Imagine Living For A Living

Have you ever felt like you were put here on this Earth to do something specific? As if it were purpose in life? It’s true that not everything you enjoy or are good at needs to be transformed into a career, but there’s a difference when you feel as though this is why God, or whoever your higher power is, brought you here. It’s the passion for me.

Have Courage and Faith

Human beings are complex yet simple creatures, but we all have a purpose for being here and there tends to be a sense of unfulfillment when you haven’t yet discovered your passion or enjoy what you do. Of course we need to maintain the order of civilization and this thing called economy of scales, but there are people who are meant to fill the jobs essential to our society. Whether it’s your desire to serve your country and protect the land as an officer, firefighter, or soldier, or work to save the lives of your people as a doctor, nurse, or EMT.

If you’re one of those people who are passionate about truly passionate about protecting our people, pleases do us all a favor and jump on this, because we all know there are people in these jobs who don’t need to be there.

Hell there’s some people who get off on running around yelling about stocks and bonds. So why do we worry so much about forcing ourselves into years of misery all for a dollar?

Now I know the title of this post can be a little misleading as the phrase “Living For A Living” typically references literally just living your life and getting paid to do everyday things. But let’s not discredit the joy that comes from having a job that doesn’t necessarily feel like work because you actually enjoy it!

As a kid I always wanted to be some sort of performer; a singer, dancer, actress. I still enjoy the occasional concert in front of the mirror and even dabbled into background acting last year, but unfortunately I never pursued any of it due to the fear of failure. Along with the fact that I can’t afford to not have a steady income. But who is judging you based on failure? Who am I failing besides myself if I don’t actually go for what I desire? When is it that we will realize that we are in the driver seat?

I’m definitely not suggesting to up and quit your day job and understand there are circumstances where we can’t afford to go out for what we want. Sometimes you have to do what you NEED to do until you can do what you WANT to do. I’m simply suggesting that you take a look deep within and stop ignoring your desires based on the confinements of society.

We Are Resilient!

We come from such a resilient and courageous generation of young BLACK and BROWN people in America. We already have to fight a system that tries to silence us in every way possible day in and day out. Don’t let your fears silence you from finding some ounce of salvation in things you have control over. Step out of your comfort zone. Use your voice. Use your voice and power to vote in this upcoming election and use your voice to discover and pursue the life you want to live.

Standing up for what you want and believe in can be such a mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually exhausting process, no doubt, but you have to get through the fight to reap the rewards. Don’t feel bad for taking periods of rest, but just do your very best whatever that looks like for that day, week, or month. Shit even year, because this one has been A YEAR. Your best varies, your energy fluctuates, but don’t quit.

It Takes Time

Another thing that I realized is that you can’t expect everything to happen right away or even at once. I was beating myself up so much for not actually getting shit done when I finally had the time and would get all in my head about needing to have things perfect before putting them out. At the end of the day I needed and quite frankly deserved the period of rest and so do you, we all do. I also had to remember that you have to walk before you can run, take your time. It’s not all going to happen at once and it doesn’t have to be perfect at first. I know this is something that literally everyone has said and even is plastered everywhere to read fifty million times, but I still had to remind myself of this during several pep talks.

You’re doing great honey, just do it! Post that blog post that no one may read. Pick up that camera and take pictures that no one may see. Start that travel group. Present your idea to create a new product to your boss. Whatever it is, just make one small action towards it and the confidence and courage will follow!


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