Benefits of Adopting A Healthier Eating Habit

Having a naturally small physique, I have never made adopting a healthy eating habit much of a priority. In fact, I never really worried about the types of food I consumed at all. I typically would eat what I want, when I want, and how much I want. I know some of you are like “yea yea yea go ahead and brag you skinny b**tch” - but in actuality having such a carefree way of eating has affected me in so many ways than you would think. For starters you know that meeting you’re supposed to have at least once a day in the john? Yea, I didn’t attend those meetings regularly and would probably catch them once a week at the very best. I honestly wonder how I was able to continue eating anything at all!

It wasn’t until I was now five years post grad and three years away from the big 3-0, that I had realized my eating habits were anything but healthy. No shade to my parents but I didn’t necessarily grow up eating asparagus and brussel sprouts and instead quite often enjoyed a good happy meal. I was definitely the “I don’t eat green foods” kid. 

I admittedly maintained more of an “unhealthy” eating habit throughout my early to mid 20s in hopes of putting on weight. When in reality having a balanced diet along with consistent exercise and weight training is more likely to help me achieve my desired figure.

During my Self Love Journey I realized that treating my body with love, respect, and care, extends to what I consume and put into my body.

3 Benefits of Adopting A Healthier Eating Habit

In just three weeks I have felt the benefits of adopting a consistently healthier eating habit. Don’t get me wrong, I 1000% still partake in weekend activities that typically involve alcohol consumption and eating out, but this necessary shift has gotten the job done! I’ve experienced,

  1. More Energy 

    For some reason somewhere between being in a global pandemic, working from home, and being under quarantine the life has been sucked out of many of us. I literally do not have the same amount of drive and energy as I had prior to Miss Corona blessing us with her presence but I needed it back. STAT.

    Let’s not forget about working on passion projects while trying to maintain a 9-5 income? The first part of my “new” eating habit started with making sure I eat breakfast every morning - preferably before 10am. Having a fully balanced breakfast has provided me with the energy I need to get into the goals I have set out for my day. 

    Incorporating foods with nutrients like Vitamin C and healthy slow burning carbs keep me going, feeling less sluggish and able to push through the need for my afternoon nap. For me, a healthier eating habit doesn’t just focus on the types of foods I eat, but also the amount and frequency. Everyone is different and we all don’t require the same needs, but with my fast burning metabolism I have definitely benefited from increasing my meals/healthy snacking throughout the day. I’ve also noticed that I’ve been able to stay awake somewhat later and wake up earlier without dread. Who knows, I might even have the umph to get out of bed and want to work out one of these mornings. 

  2. Clearer, Healthier Skin  

    I think it's safe to say that most of us are aware that sugary, greasy foods clog your pores which lead to acne and breakouts, but how many of you know that there are foods that you can consume to produce hydration and protection for your skin?  If you did, why didn’t anyone tell me sooner?! 

    Some of the most highly sought out skincare products include Vitamin C and Vitamin E to help lighten hyperpigmentation and protect the skin from the sun, but having a poor diet can make it harder for these products to actually work to the best of their ability. We can give these products a boost by incorporating foods that will assist in the process as opposed to working against them. Vitamin A and other antioxidants in foods promote blood circulation and anti-inflammation.

    Common foods like tomatoes contain vitamins that reduce collagen breakdown providing protection from sun damage. My face has definitely started to absorb the benefits of my skincare routine much quicker, leaving my face feeling full of life and giving what it’s supposed to give!

  3. Improved Gut Health and Digestion 

    Let me just start this off by saying too much fiber can induce constipation/diarrhea, bloating, stomach cramping - I learned this the hard way. Be equally aware that changing your diet to incorporate detox or system cleansing type foods WILL do just that! Your body will feel weird because it's not used to it and will begin to react. Don’t worry you’re not dying, you’re just being cleansed of all toxins from within.

    Not only do some of the above mentioned foods act as anti inflammatories for the skin, but they also help reduce inflammation in your intestines. This allows your food to pass through and eases any discomfort. Then there’s ginger that actually promotes the flow of food for a speedy effect. Plant based prebiotics found in green leafy foods also support production of good bacteria in the gut.

More of This… 

I know many of you are no stranger to the (historical) food pyramid they shoved down our throats in health class when we literally didn’t have a choice on what we ate. Fortunately we now live in a time where there are diets and pyramids that cater to various lifestyles and specific goals.

Here are some foods that I’ve incorporated into my diet that contain the above mentioned nutrients and antioxidants: 

  • Citrus Fruits

  • Oatmeal

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Dark Chocolate

  • Green Tea

  • Salmon

  • Green Leafy Foods

  • Aloe Vera Drink

  • Avocado and

  • Chia Seeds

Most of these foods are rich in multiple nutrients and antioxidants that support all three benefits noted above. There are lots of other substances that individually assist in these areas, but being able to touch all three benefits without having to tremendously transform my diet has made the switch much more tolerable.

The Bigger Picture

Having more energy, clear glowing skin, and good digestion can have a drastic effect on your everyday life. I have felt so much more aligned mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I feel beautiful and unstoppable with glowing skin. Actually having the motivation to get things done comes with such a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. It's the overall confidence, ambition, and happiness for me! Let’s not forget the benefit of getting a head start on minimizing the amount of health risks and conditions endured as we continue to age. With our brains being the control center of all, increased cognitive skills and brain functions promoted by healthy blood flow can have tremendous long lasting effects. And that we LOVE to see!


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