How Did The Pandemic Shape You?

March of 2020 would forever be known as the turning point for life as we knew it. I vividly remember watching the news as they declared A State of Emergency, not only in the US but the entire world. While quarantine was fun at first - working from home, the rise of Tik Tok, and a plethora of social media challenges - none of us thought this would have lasted this long. Although it isn’t quite over yet, there is some relief in being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We made it through a GLOBAL Pandemic yall! 

The past two years have been filled with so much grief and loss that it’s been difficult to recognize our growth and gains. There was so much anxiety induced and triggered for many individuals during this time. I for one had always known that I experienced anxiety, but this was some next level shit. I quickly realized how severe anxiety can be if not properly managed. Ironically enough, you can argue that we as a society actually needed to go through something as serious as the pandemic. We were forced to come together as a community to face various issues that have poisoned our nation. So many uncomfortable but extremely necessary conversations were forced to be had - at home, with friends, in the workplace, as well as racial and political issues. We have been facing our demons internally and externally as a whole. 

Growth and Gains

One of the best things to happen, in my opinion, during the course of the pandemic was the spark of a self care phenomena. Despite the feeling of being held captive in our own homes, it gave us some time to look inward and tend to our personal needs. More importantly to discover what those needs are, if you didn’t know in the first place. You know that saying “you don’t know what you have until it's gone”?  Well there is a certain sense of clarity that comes with being thrown off your routine. 

 This was a monumental time for discovery and appreciation for living in the present. Working from home allowed a sense of freedom to work from anywhere for some, as well as the rush of an entrepreneurial spirit that has taken over our generation. I think we are finally starting to see and believe that the sky is the limit. Businesses are rising. Passions are being pursued. Let freedom ring!

I asked my followers on Instagram how they felt the pandemic contributed to their growth, and the level of introspection and growth is truly beautiful. In summary their responses screamed “an appreciation for a moment to slow down and recenter. To embrace life with the confidence, comfort, and grace to allow yourself to pursue your desires with trust that it will all work out.” AND I FELT THAT TO MY CORE!

Personally, the pandemic has taken me on a deep dive into my idea of self and what I truly value in this life. It has become so important to me to genuinely embody my values and enforce necessary boundaries. The pandemic has given me the courage to unapologetically stand in my truth regardless of who is watching or disagrees. This level of self love, self compassion, and self confidence is exactly what I needed!

These are trying times but we have persevered and are still pushing through. Try not to give the seasonal depression the upper hand and really hold on to what good the pandemic has done for you.

You are strong and beautiful! Xoxo


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